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Posts published in “Editorial”

Distressed swimmers rescued

WAILUA — County lifeguards and firefighters rescued three people in distress from waters off Wailua on Saturday afternoon. One person remains in critical condition. At…

TGI editor returning to mainland

After six years of writing for The Garden Island newspaper, including a year as editor of this publication, this is my last week at TGI.…

Keep Kaua‘i kipuka safe

A kipuka is described as a place surrounded by lava, protected and able to flourish. They are often small oases of vegetation and life surrounded…

Still time to nominate your Hometown Hero

Life is still far from “back to normal” on Kaua‘i, even though shops, beaches and restaurants are starting to reopen. Thankfully, our number of active…

Programs, resource for kupuna to keiki

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, our local non profits, community leaders, and local/state government have mobilized resources to support the most essential needs in…