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Cub-o-Ree hands out gold

Trevan Goias-Arzadon of Cub Pack 3168 captured gold on Saturday when the keiki sailor won the raingutter regatta during the Scouts of America Aloha Council Kaua‘i District Cub-o-Ree.

Joshua Schoffstaloll of Pack 3334 earned the silver medal in the regatta that capped a full day of ocean-themed activities for the Cub Scouts participating from the three Cub Scout packs on the island.

Kotoku Fontana of Pace 3334 finished with the bronze medal in the competition that featured Cub Scouts sailing their standard homemade kit craft down the “raingutter” channel using their own breath to supplement the existing wind.

Cub Pack 3334 is sponsored by Holy Cross Church in Kalaheo, and is one of the three Cub-o-Ree participating packs. Its Cubmaster, Kevin Blackstad, coordinated the daylong event at the Kaua‘i Sailing Association facility at the Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor.

Other participating Cub packs included Pack 3168 sponsored by Immaculate Conception Church, and Pack 3148 is sponsored by Lihu‘e Christian Church.

In addition to the Kaua‘i Sailing Association, who provided keiki the opportunity to learn how to sail, the Cub-o-Ree got help from the Surfrider Foundation, who opened the doors to ocean and shoreline stewardship. Cub-o-Ree also received help from the U.S. Coast Guard Station Kaua‘i, which offered activity and instruction on knot tying and various ropes used on the ocean.

An activity station on Pono Fishing also provided education and hands-on activity on tying barbless hooks for the fishing derby that was part of the day’s offering.

The event stirred memories of when Cub Pack 3148, known back then as Pack 148, participated as a Cub pack for a father-child activity during the annual Father’s Day Keiki Fishing Contest presented by the Nawiliwili Yacht Club.


Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 808-245-0453 or
Source: The Garden Island

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