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Happy Camper for Monday, February 19, 2024

Both Nick and Nate Herbig of the Pittsburgh Steelers remember the days of Papalina Basketball when Coach Matt Taba emceed the All Position football clinic that even attracted Marcus Mariota of the Philadelphia (Mel Rapozo said that’s where Teddy Arroyo is attending a conference) Eagles. Kaua‘i High School coach Mel Purcel had the Red Raiders football boys washing cars and distributing candy (Ernie Domingo and Ronnie Matsumura got some to go along with Sunday lunch at Kukui Grove) on Sunday as a team fundraiser.

Ernie is going to celebrate his birthday this weekend, and is wondering if Dean Nonaka will bring some of Nikol’s half moons to the senior softball games.

Mel Rapozo wanted to go to the football camp, but the Kaua‘i United Way needed help at the kickball tournament (nice way to celebrate Gather Federal Credit Union’s 70th anniversary, Terri Kaniho and Tess Shimabukuro!). So he stayed to umpire games, while Dean Pigao and Kaupene Kinimaka kept the parking under control for people wanting to enjoy Kumu Leina‘ala Pavao’s recital (Eden Raquel was helping her daughter get ready so couldn’t do kickball) and the kickball tournament that was the brainchild of Chris Nii, Taylor Shigemotop and new KUW’s special events coordinator Melissa Ragasa … how did you get Tisha Remigio, Michelle Panoke and Wes Perreira of the Hawai‘i Foodbank Kaua‘i to get up so early on a Saturday (especially a three-day weekend one) morning?

And kudos to all those participants of the football camp and kickball tournament that made it down to the Royal Sonesta Kaua‘i Resort for the ABLE Prom on Saturday night.


Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at
Source: The Garden Island

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