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Kupuna Spelling Bee coming to Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — Cheryl Shintani, the president of the Kiwanis Club of Kaua‘i, said all the Kiwanis clubs in the state of Hawai‘i are sponsoring the Kiwanis Kupuna Spelling Bee benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association.

The kupuna spelling bee is open to residents in Hawai‘i ages 60 years and above.

The Kiwanis Club of Kaua‘i is announcing the Kaua‘i Preliminary Kaua‘i residents, where the top three finalists, and their companions, will fly to O‘ahu for the Kupuna Spelling Bee finals on July 29.

“This spelling bee is a fun, rewarding, and challenging event that encourages older adults to stay mentally sharp by learning and practicing the use and spelling of words, and to help strengthen memory,” Shintani said. “Research shows that those who view themselves as ‘lifelong learners’ often have a cognitive edge.”

With the assistance of the Kiwanis Club of Kaua‘i two Service Leadership Program’s Key Clubs — one from Kapa‘a High School, and one from Kaua‘i High School — the Kiwanis Club of Kaua‘i will hold the Kaua‘i Preliminary on June 20 from 9 a.m. to noon at Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall, Ni‘ihau Ballroom.

The Key Club students are also available to provide tutoring services for contestants of the Kupuna Spelling Bee.

Kupuna interested in participating need to visit At the top of the page, click in “Registration,” then click in “Kaua‘i Preliminary Spelling Bee” to enter. There is a $25 fee to enter and can be paid through the website. The fee includes an event T-shirt for registered spellers.

Contact Shintani at for more information on the Kaua‘i Kupuna Spelling Bee Preliminary, request a practice spelling list, or to request a tutor.


Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 808-245-0453
Source: The Garden Island

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