Daily vaccine numbers would be encouraging
Could I be so bold as to suggest an addition to the Kaua‘i COVID-19 count, sponsored by Longs Drugs and found daily above the banner on the front page? Folks I have spoken with feel it would be informative and encouraging to also show a daily cumulative count of vacines administered on the island.
It is entirely possible this information is not available, but if it is it would be great to see encouraging news displayed along with the COVID-19 count. There is a wave of public-health awareness that needs to be generated, and this small bit of daily information may help in this regard.
Finally, I would like to express the gratitude of our island community for the work Mayor Derek and his staff have been doing to protect our island community and economy in the long run. The economy won’t really come back until we have a handle on this virus. It won’t work the other way around, unfortunately.
Tim Beaver, Koloa
Housing is out of control
What do you think these new types of implanted residents are going to do when there’s a hurricane threat? Since it is so incredibly apparent that they care not about our community, most likely just one of them would potentially clear out the essentials from the grocery stores/Ace and not even think twice about it.
So by the time the Hawaiian families get off of work, everything is going to be gone. We are all going to have to suffer just like so many people now are just trying to find or keep their rental housing.
It really is unbelievable that the government is allowing these ultra-wealthy people to come in and buy up all the housing, site unseen, driving the prices up.
Countries like New Zealand have laws in place to prevent that from happening. Because of the environment today, you would think that people would at least have to be here in person to purchase a home that someone could be living in that actually lives here. So there’s no rent control still?
More and more are homeless, and houses are sitting empty. As I’m sure you know, rents have doubled over the past year on Kaua‘i (especially North Shore) because of the demand from the ultra-wealthy who came from San Francisco, the highest cost-of-living area in the country.
They had bidding wars on housing there, and that’s what they’re doing here, driving the prices up. People are leaving the island all the time who have lived here for years. Those are the people who have been supporting the community and farmers.
These new implants will order everything online and not even support anyone because they don’t care. The consequences from this attitude are going to trickle down to everyone who lives here, and we are all going to suffer because of it.
Please do something about this. It’s so not fair. Just ask teachers, store owners, artists, farmers, jewelers, how they feel about the entitled, ultra-wealthy implants.
Please pass a law that you have to be a resident for at least one year to be able to purchase housing here.
No more additional vacation rentals!
Rent control!!! (Just take a look at rentals on Craigslist; it’s unbelievable)
That’s all we are asking.
Lauren Johnson, Hanalei
Source: The Garden Island
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