HANAPEPE — Australian Master Craftsperson Evelyn Roth has been creating fabric art, including many of the colorful costuming and inflatable creatures at The Storybook Theatre events, for more than 60 years.
Gracing numerous stadium installations, shopping center, and outdoor events around the globe, Roth’s art draws universal appeal for adults and keiki who can imagine and experience the interactions of fabric, wind, color, and light.
Roth will lead a three-day workshop Aug. 6 through 8 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at The Storybook Theatre in Hanapepe where she will be mentoring students (class size is limited for maximum learning) in the upstairs classroom at The Storybook Theatre.
Workshop participants may choose their projects — another reason for the limited class size — from a selection of wind socks, banners or flags, and costume capes and work with Roth in creating their desired projects.
Space is limited, and early registration is highly encouraged for the workshop that carries a tuition of $120, or $50 a day if paid on Eventbrite (https://tgilinks.com/3BpCTbv), or mailed by check to Storybook Theatre of Hawai‘i, P.O. Box 820, Hanapepe, Hawai‘i 96716.
The tuition for the 4-hour/day departure from the mundane to the magical world of creating costumes, flags, webs, and banners includes basic fabrics, patterns and supplies.
Roth is with “Festival Arts,” Adelaide, Australia.
The Storybook Theatre is also part of the weekly Hanapepe Art Night and open Friday nights from 5 to 8 p.m.
Info: 808-335-0712, or email office@storybook.org.
Source: The Garden Island
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