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Most surf sites test clean in August

LIHUE — A monthly analysis of streams, rivers and surf spots around the island found high concentrations of enterococcus bacterium — a federally recognized indicator of fecal presence in water — at a number of locations.

Volunteers with the Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force gathered water samples from 22 sites across Kauai, and then tested the water for the bacterium.

The samples, which were collected on Saturday, Aug. 17, showed nine sites produced results below Hawaii’s single-day sample standard of 130 enterococci per 100 milliliters of water.

The sites with acceptable readings were Waikoko Surf, Rock Quarry Surf, Waiohai Surf, Pakala Surf, Anahola Bay Surf, Kealia Surf, Kalihiwai Surf, Kalapaki Bay Surf and Anini Boat Ramp.

The sites with subpar readings, from bad to worse, were Koloa Landing (Waikomo), Hanamaulu Bay Beach, Waimea River Mouth, Wainiha Stream, Nawiliwili Stream, The Bowl Surf (Hanalei Bay), Hanalei River, Hanamaulu Stream, Makua-Tunnels Stream and Moloaa Stream.

Wailua River Park, First Ditch and Middles Surf tested between subpar and acceptable.

The task force uses the same test as the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH), but compliments its water quality program by testing surf sites and streams, not the mainly popular beaches the HDOH tests.

“Most of the surf sites are clean, except The Bowl and Middles, which were polluted from the discharge of the Hanalei River,” said Surfrider Kauai senior scientist Carl Berg in a note that accompanied the findings.

“The same is true for Hanamaulu Beach, the waters of which are polluted by high bacteria concentrations in Hanamaulu Stream.”

The task force’s year-to-date geomean — essentially a site’s average bacterial concentration in 2024 — found eight sites tested above the mean bacteria concentration mark of 35 enterococci per 100 milliliters of water.

The eight sites were, from bad to worse, Wailua River Park, Hanamaulu Bay Beach, Hanamaulu Stream, Hanalei River, Wainiha Stream, Koloa Landing (Waikomo), Nawiliwili Stream and Moloaa Stream.

Signs advising people of the water quality are posted at Hanamaulu Stream, Moloaa Stream and Hanalei River at Black Pot.

“We hope that Nawiliwili Stream will soon be posted with warning signs, as well as Koloa Landing and Waniha streams,” Berg said.

He added that the Hawaii Department of Health should also repost signs at Hanamaulu and Niumalu county beach parks where they were previously posted.
Source: The Garden Island

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