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Salvation Army holding back to school drive for keiki

LIHU‘E — The Salvation Army is holding back to school supply drives throughout the state of Hawai‘i during July and early August, including the Lihu‘e and Hanapepe Corps.

Requested items for keiki in need include backpacks (the most requested item), colored markers, colored pencils, composition notebooks, crayons, erasers, facial tissue, glue, glue sticks, highlighters, school boxes, paper towels, pencils, pencil pouches, pens with either black, blue or red ink, portfolios, rulers, scissors, small calculators and wide-ruled binder paper.

“We encourage our island communities to step up and help our keiki in need, as families begin preparations for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year,” said The Salvation Army Maj. Troy Trimmer, divisional commander, The Salvation Army Hawaiian &Pacific Islands.

“The cost of many items on traditional back-to-school lists can be out of reach for many families. Our goal is to help make sure each keiki has the supplies they need to succeed,” he said.

Supplies and monetary contributions are being accepted at the Lihu‘e Corps Thrift Store on any Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. until Aug. 1.

The Hanapepe Corps is at 4465 Puolo Road adjacent to Hanapepe Stadium and Hanapepe Recreation Center, is collecting donations Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until Aug. 1

According to the Hawai‘i Department of Education school year calendar, the first day of class is Aug. 7.

For more information on back to school drives and back to school programs, or to make monetary donations to support the effort, visit

On Kaua‘i, the Hanapepe Corps is under the leadership of Lt. Jose Gonzalez.

Majors Eric and Jasiel Tumale, who recently transferred from the Kauluwela Mission Corps on O‘ahu, head the Lihu‘e Corps operations, which include resuming the distribution of hot meals on July 6 following renovation of its kitchen facilities.


Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 808-245-0453 or
Source: The Garden Island

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