Hawai‘i Democrats must defer to the voters on financial disclosure
There is no question. Transparency and candor are important attributes of any message by a candidate for elected office.
Nobody would be pleased if the party were to become self-appointed judges and juries of what constitutes transparency and candor. It is not for the party to tell voters how to vote. It would be undemocratic for our party to tell Democratic candidates for elected office what they ought to do. Democratic candidates make their case to the voters, and the voters decide.
Our candidates for elected office know what they need to do. It is for the voters to tell the party, and Democratic candidates for elected office what they consider to be transparency and candor.
The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i believes in democracy. It’s in our name.
We encourage our candidates to be transparent and show candor. We encourage everyone to listen carefully to the messages of our candidates for elected office. We believe in the power of the vote. We encourage everyone to mail in their vote and let their voices be heard.
Dennis W. Jung, Chairperson, Democratic Party of Hawai‘i
Source: The Garden Island
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