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Letters for Friday, August 5, 2022

Vote them out, start over

Dear Ray Domingo,

Usually I don’t agree with your letters, but I really liked the last one.

Throw them all out! Get new faces in there! YAY!

Aren’t you just the cutest thing.

By the way, I used to vote Democratic but the Democratic party has gone off the rails.

The Republican agenda has more common sense, and is pro individual rights. Ask someone

who lost their business due to lock downs how they feel about the Democratic pandemic policies at this point.

Or their kids were forced to mask, or they were forced to vaccinate.

Anyway, throw all the Democratics out! And anyone else we don’t like! YAY!

Molly Jones, Kealia

Encourage officials to support Alzheimers research

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most terrifying diseases imaginable. At a time when more than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, including nearly 29,000 people aged 65 and older in Hawaii, prioritizing how this devastating disease is addressed remains a critical issue for our country. As the number of older Americans grows rapidly, so too will the number of new and existing cases of Alzheimer’s. By 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s dementia may grow to a projected 12.7 million, barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent, slow or cure Alzheimer’s disease.

As a caregiver, I understand firsthand the impact this disease has on families across America. Caregiving for my father over the years has offered me opportunities to understand the challenges we, caregivers face. The emotional, physical, financial, and continuous grief creates a cycle of isolation and with little resources caregivers are often left alone in their journey. Although my father is so brave, watching someone understand that they are losing themselves is devastating. As personal as this is to me, I am also a professional caregiver as a provider and overseeing a care home. Those living with dementia and their families, friends, or guardians deserve so much more than there is for everyone at this time but here is hope with your help.

Please join me and the Alzheimer’s Association in encouraging Senator Brian Schatz to support the allocation of funds for research at the National Institutes of Health and the continued implementation of the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

To learn more about this disease and how you can join the fight to end Alzheimer’s, visit

Dr. Poki’i Balaz, Aiea
Source: The Garden Island

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