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Letters for Thursday, December 31, 2020

On being thankful

I have been thinking about what I have to be thankful for. This is something that I usually do this time of year but is different now because of the pandemic. Each one of us has had our lives changed because of it. Many of us are in severe economic difficulty.

I have a good vantage point to see the economic devastation. I manage a food pantry that distributes food and clothing three times a week at three different locations. The demand for our services has expanded dramatically and we are working hard to serve the community.

Highly competent and motivated people have come forward to help with the various aspects of the food pantry operation.

People are donating money, food and clothing. The response of the community is astonishing. I am especially in awe if the small, but large in love, gifts of those most impacted by the pandemic.

Both of our island food banks are struggling to meet our needs. One more than the other. Somehow, they are able to pull it off.

Kauai is a great place with its gorgeous scenery and its wonderful climate. It has become more and more obvious to me that the true beauty of Kauai is in its people.

Mahalo Kauai

Sam Kneppe, Manager, St. William Food Pantry, Princeville

Squeaky Wheel gets the grease

Aloha, This “letter to the editor” way of communicating is great for our community. It’s a way to give thanks and a a way to vent our frustrations. We need to use our voice for whatever you might think could help our community, state, country, world and mankind.

Young people we need you. You are our future. What is your take on the environment here on Kauai? We really want to hear from you. No right or wrong just your take. Remember Squeaky Wheel gets the grease, or in this circumstance maybe a cleaner environment.

Linda Bothe, Kalaheo

Pandemic Pop Quiz #5

Taking the vaccine is like:

1. The movie “Rosemary’s Baby.”

2. The movie “The Fly.”

3. I am pro vaccine so I am not answering this idiotic question.

The pandemic is like:

1. The movie “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”

2. The movie “The Manchurian Candidate.”

3. The movie “The Matrix.

4. All of the above.

Dr. Anthony Fauci:

1. Bench presses 250 pounds.

2. Has a body like Arnold in his prime.

3. Stop making fun of Dr. Fauci, he is a respected epidemiologist, whatever that is.

The best diet for your immune system is:

1. 100% raw, vegan.

2. 100% vegetarian.

3. Ketogenic diet: protein and vegetables only.

4. Double cheeseburger with bacon, fries, and a coke.

5. Don’t bother me right now, I’m eating a chocolate eclair.

The pandemic will result in:

1. Everyone getting vaccinating and carrying a vaccination card.

2. Everyone microchipped, like in the movies.

3. Small businesses destroyed; Amazon, and big box stores thriving.

4. All of the above.

5. Way, way too serious, get lost.

Freemasons with borderline personality disorder designed:

1. The dollar bill with the eye in the pyramid.

2. The Washington Monument.

3. Various public buildings with gargoyles all over them.

4. The Federal Reserve.

5. What the heck is a “gargoyle”? I am taking the fifth amendment anyway.

Ok, here are the correct answers: clearly the last answer for each question.

Molly Jones, Kealia
Source: The Garden Island

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