Sickness at the pump could be carownervirus
If you’re sniffling and sweating at the gas pump. You might have “CAROWNERVIRUS!”
Just a thought.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele
Perry apologizes to Kimo
Hi Kimo. My memory isn’t as sharp as it once was, and I made some mistakes in reference to your piece in the 12/02/21 TGI. The timing. In my mind it was something between six months and a year.
I ended up writing around a year, and that was wrong. In now reading your piece again, you are exactly right and I was exactly wrong regarding you not writing any more political stories.
It seems that I took that in from a perspective of wishful thinking. With that, I apologize, and you didn’t lie. Down the road I’m sure that our paths will cross again.
I liked the Paul Harvey sign off, “good day.” His voice was wonderful for radio with his pauses and just the right amount of dead air for his audience to ponder what he said. I didn’t like his right-wing politics, though.
Mark Perry, Lihu‘e
Kudos to Paw Spas
Paw Spas in the Waipouli Complex in Kapa‘a is an outstanding dog groomer.
I have taken Kristy, my Australian Sheppard, there four times, and she always comes out beautiful. They bathe her and get the white coat white again, trim her coat to make it smooth and trim her nails.
Liza and her staff are very good with dogs, and truly offer the spa treatments for my best friend.
Mark Whitson, Kapa‘a
Embrace the full meaning of Title IX
Title IX celebrates its 50th anniversary of passage on June 23, 2022. It states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Title IX educational amendment passed in 1972.
An as we celebrate this momentous change which has made a dynamic shift in how we educate our community, we are still not embracing the full meaning of the amendment.
We must be totally inclusive and recognize now more than ever that we continue to press for legislative action which will give teeth to noncompliance to the law.
We must be sure that all levels of education take this amendment seriously and guarantee all age groups fairness and unhindered access to education in the classroom and on the field or in the gymnasium regardless of race, socioeconomic status or gender identification or cultural practices.
We must deter those who would challenge this amendment or who would defy the law by not adhering to it. Since “equal” means “everyone,” not just those we identify with or are comfortable with, we must be inclusive and encouraging so that all may reach their educational potential.
If there is a violation, we must bring it out into the open, correct it so that it is no longer acceptable and can no longer impact or inhibit anyone who would like to complete their educational mission.
Beverley D. Tobias, President, Kaua‘i Chapter, American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Source: The Garden Island
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